Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Day 39: A Creepy Visitor

You know that guy I've been seeing, the creepy on that looks like a zombie, yeah that one. Well I was sitting in my room as one does when they're contemplating leaving their entire world behind, I think my main mistake was being alone in the house, I was sitting in my desk chair when I heard knocking on the door, I looked around and nearly fell out of my fucking seat and I yelled, he appeared alot more lucid than last time.

Guy: Well that's your problem there ( He said tapping the locked door, which still has masking tape on it)
P: Ho.... How did you get in here?
G: Don't be afraid I haven't come to hurt you..... well not yet at least and when you're going against these *he thought for a second and said with a slight inflection* 'things, is it really a surprise a servant can get in without trouble?
P: Bu...but, why are you after me?
G: B....be.... because, you have been chosen and your time runs short, so you must be........ balanced.
P: B.... b...balanced?
G: Please stop stuttering it really is getting on my nerves *He took out a cigarette and lit it* When there is a living person who shouldn't be so, order must be acquired, by  taking out the negative element, you, and leading you to your proper state.
P: And what's that?
G: Are you stupid aswell as cowardly, the opposite state to life is death, any 6 year old could tell you that. Bleeding deadface can't even think for themselves.
P: Deadface?
G: Not important, the important thing is that I've taken time to give you some advice, because in truth I don't want to kill you, last thing I want, but you being stupid won't help. Your friend was taken by a fear, yes, am I going to tell you, no, in this circumstance ignorance is bliss *He chuckles a little*. And although I cannot tell you about our mutual friend I can give you something to tell that woman, something I haven't been able to get out of my head, maybe it's something from the time before?
P: What time before?
G: Please do not interrupt. Tell the woman, 'sometimes even gingerbread men must stop running, when all the foxes are dead'
P: How is that important, how does that help me?
G: I don't know, I just know to tell you it, it's important there are thing I can't tell you, that she can. But I'm afraid my little white rabbit my we are out of time. You must venture into wonderland alone for a while, try to keep your girlfriend safe....  if you can.

And as soon as he had appeared he was gone, leaving only the smell of the cigarette and of dead leaves.

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