Monday, 11 February 2013

Day 78: I... thought they were gone

The nightmares, but they are different this time, the ticking is louder than ever and there is a laugh that comes with it, a grating..... almost metallic, laugh. I'm back home, in my room, the door is still there but it's opened this time, and there is a face, I can see it now, it has what looks like many tiny sharp teeth, I know it's odd to say but like the kind you'd find on a clock gear. It had the same sparkling eyes, it wore a coat that had moving gear on it, it was always in motion. His head twitched a little and jerked on its neck, but it's smile didn't move that smile, those teeth were disconcerting to say the least. He took a leg and moved it so he was fully in the moonlight, for some reason, I... I couldn't scream just watch as the ticking got louder as he got closer, his manner reminded me of those clowns you see in horror movies, that look of, murderous joy. He came closer with the smile, right to my face, he pulled out a watch from the pocket of his waist coat, and his smile seemed to drop a bit. 'Oh bother your times not up yet, he must still have need for you, don't worry, I'll clean the clock and wipe your slate clean, all you have to do is make a choice, one very simple choice....'

I was woken up by Fade's 'stray' foot, that jolted me awake, I told him about the dream.

P: What does it mean?
F: (He looked slightly agitated  It means that you may have a choice, but whether that choice is truly yours you can't know.
P: Why do you seem afraid?
F: Afraid, pah, I don't feel fear you know that, it just means thing are going well, We will make the world anew and save it.
P: Ok....... Fade?
F: Ja?
P: How do you make the ticking stop.
F: (He smiles and laughs,  that makes me feel uneasy) Well it's very simple you see..... (He turns to look at me) you don't.

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